Acupuncture is part of a system of healing arts that originated in China several thousand years ago. It is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. The Chinese identified energetic pathways which flow throughout the body carrying resources in the same way that rivers and streams flow in nature and benefit the earth. When disharmony occurs in these pathways, people may notice symptoms on a physical, mental and/or spiritual level. The body, mind and spirit are aspects of the human experience which are inseparable. Disharmony in one may affect the rest. I am a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Maryland and received my education in the healing arts from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. Contact me for more information about the benefits of acupuncture.
The ancient Chinese observed nature and learned that everything that is going on with the seasons is reflected in the processes of the human body as well. When people live in accordance with the laws of nature, there is harmony within the functioning of the body, mind and spirit.
Acupuncture is currently the main form of health care for a third of the world’s population. A practitioner of acupuncture inserts thin needles into specific areas of the body in order to encourage balance within the whole being. The needles I use are sterile, solid, stainless steel, and single-use only. Everyone experiences acupuncture differently. Some people report not feeling the needles at all, while others may notice a pressure or stinging sensation that subsides.
Moxabustion: the use of the herb, mugwort, when necessary to warm and nourish the body.
Many people with the following concerns and medical diagnoses have found relief through the use of acupuncture:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Addictions
- Post-traumatic stress
- Injury recovery
- Pain of unknown origins
- Fertility & Pregnancy Support
- Bell's Palsy
- Parkinson's
- Fibromyalgia
- Skin issues
- Headaches
- Sleep issues
- Nightmares
- Arthritis
- Menstrual issues
- Bowel issues
- Asthma and breathing-related issues
- Hypertension
- Allergies
- Relief from side effects of cancer therapies (radiation, chemo & drugs)
- Scar-related issues
- Wound healing (bed sores, post-surgical wounds, injuries, etc.)
While many notice resolution to their symptoms through regular acupuncture treatment, acupuncture is not intended as a cure for any disease. Rather, it is a modality that is utilized to stimulate the body’s innate healing capabilities. When tended to as a whole, people often experience profound healing and greater ease in their lives.